Sunday Home Group
Joel and Nicole Parks
Sundays @5:30pm
The goal is to build Christ-centered relationships through studying the Word together, having dinner with one another, and building one another up in the faith. This group meets at the home of the Parks and is open to anyone.

Couples Group
Brian and Barbara Booth
Sundays @ 9am
The goal is to build Christ-centered relationships through studying the Word together. This group meets on-site, and will be studying and discussing the Armor of God. Childcare is available upon advance notice.

Women's Home Group
Susan Bullard & Diane Geer
1st & 3rd Wed @ 1pm
Our goal is to grow in the knowledge of Christ and in our love for Him and others.This group meets at the home of Susan Bullard and begins on Wednesday, Jan 15. No childcare available. Our first study will be a four part series titled “Relationships: Avoiding the Potholes.”

Monday Night Men's Group
Andy Boyd
Mondays @ 6:30pm
Our goal is challenge and equip one another to lead through biblical masculinity through studying biblical principles and theology. Meets on campus.

Young Women's Group
Kelsey Martinez
Sundays @ 7pm
For women in their 20's & 30's - single, dating, married, mom's etc. - working our way through a guided study that dives into the book of Romans. Meets on campus.

Men's Group
Robert Brady
Sundays @ 9am
Come explore God's Word with us to better understand His purpose for our lives. Meets on campus, childcare available upon advance notice.

Women's Group
Linda Schulz
Sundays @ 9am
We meet to study the Bible and fellowship with other women. Typically we watch a video from Right Now Media followed by group discussion. Meets here on campus, and childcare is available upon advance notice.

Men's Discipleship Group
Rick Coulter
Wednesdays @ 6:30am
By reading and studying the Bible, developing a better prayer life, and sharing each week with believers, our goal is to share the truth and our love for Jesus Christ with others outside our church. Meets on campus.

Women's Discipleship Group
Mia Svendsen
Mondays @ 6:30pm
The goal is to strengthen and challenge one another to become more like Christ, as we develop a strong Biblical foundation and develop spiritual disciplines in our lives. *Opens annually to new women. Meets on campus.

Elder-led Coed Group
Brad Blankenship
Sundays @ 9am
Its purpose is an overview of selected books of the Bible, following the current worship sermon series, focused on specific scriptures placed in historical context, and related to current American and World events. Meets on campus.

Men's Discipleship Groups
Drew Svendsen
Mondays @ 10am & Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
The purpose is to see our lives changed to be more like Christ's, by reading and discussing the Word, developing spiritual disciplines, and establishing a strong Biblical foundation for our lives. Meets on campus.